Saturday, February 9, 2019


Each and every year, the phrase ‘New year, new me’ sweeps social media. And every January, I see an influx of people admitting they’ve failed their resolutions just a few days in. I think it’s about time we put this whole idea that a new year makes you a different person to bed. Because let’s face it, the only thing that really changes is the date.

For some people, all they want to do is put the year behind them and focus on the next one. But we seem to have this idea that going into a new year immediately eliminates all the bad that happened the year prior. We make all these plans to start our ‘new’ selves, and we punish ourselves for not keeping to those plans as we fall back into the same ways of the year before. It’s about time we stopped focusing on the calendar, and stop it with the time limits altogether. It seems silly to give yourself a time limit to change. It piles on pressure to start right away and make drastic decisions. But the ‘new year, new me’ pressure means we tell ourselves off for it, and make ourselves feel guilty. Which, in turn, only puts us off keeping to resolutions in the long-run.

This is the only way we’re able to actually change our bodies and our lifestyles and stick to it – knowing that there’s no rush, that you have time and that you’re not a failure if it takes you longer than you thought.


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